Sunday, December 1, 2019

My name is Christine,

I started this blog because as a sufferer of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), I have found there to be very little support. I am here as someone who continues to battle HPV 16, 18, and 11 to tell you, you are not alone.

In 2017,  I was diagnosed with the cervical cancer causing and genital wart causing HPV in the same checkup.  Condoms don't matter and neither does monogamy since it can be contracted  through skin to skin contact and not show up until years later.

My life was utterly devastated but it wasn't the cancer causing HPV which has been difficult and painful on it's own but it has been the genital warts.

Precancerous cells have been very common for women and until just recently was not considered an STD.  Most women I know in my age group have had some type of diagnosis and treatment by age 45. That is because HPV is so common that according to the CDC 79 million Americans have been exposed by their late 20s. According to about 80 percent of people who are sexually active will contract a form of HPV in their lifetime.

It is all a matter of what your body does with it.  You may contract the disease and never know it. Your body may just kill it on it's own or you could have a one time occurrence, get treatment and never get it again.

Unfortunately for me, that is not my story. I have been through 3 treatments for precancerous cells on my cervix and more than I can count for genital warts.

For cervical issues I have been burned while awake, cut with a hot knife while awake and had my cervix skinned in a surgery under anesthesia. The latest recommendation I have received is to have a hysterectomy in the next two years since the HPV is not letting up. It is the safest route to protect my health. The treatments were barbaric and I felt the medical field needs to evolve on the care of this disease. Sure they numb your cervix and you don't feel the pain while you lay there awake but come on! The emotional violation of having your parts cut on and burned and smelling your skin frying while the doctor works away is inexcusable as a standard in the medical field today. Many women I have spoken with have been traumatized by these procedures and don't talk about it because they feel shame to have a disease associated with an STD.

Though the experiences I endured were traumatic, the real trauma has been in my battle with genital warts. Pretty much they are non cancer causing little spots that have to be burned off by freezing or acid applied. They are harmless but a problem.  You won't find men shying away from you when you tell them you have had precancerous cells on your cervix which can also cause them cancer in the throat or on the penis because the chances are low. However nonthreatening pesky pink marks that have to be burned off are as awful as the plague. No one wants that risk not even if you tell them the stats. Statistically most people have already been exposed but just didn't come down with it.

Most HPVs are taken care of by the immune system in roughly two years. I had my first bought with warts in 2017 and it lasted 9 months. I got rid of it for 13 months and have had a 14 month battle. This means I go to a dermatologist every week or so and I get burned. I have suffered deep depression and climbed out of it. I have felt like a leper, disgusting, lost, alone and strive to help others to keep myself sane. I work in my daily life to help others transcend their traumas through energy work and meditation. I have found my solace in my work. I still have good days and bad days, mostly good at this point as I apply the teachings I use with clients.  I want to start a free community of support since I have been unable to find any. This would involve zoom meetings where people could participate anonymously. We could offer support and advice to each other and most importantly listen to each other as we can understand what it is like. I will tell you more about the depths of my story and how much HPV has  affected my life but I would love to hear from you. I would like to know if you are interested in a support group.

You are not alone!

My name is Christine, I started this blog because as a sufferer of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), I have found there to be very little suppo...